Remington (1861-1909)
the life of the cowboy during the 1880's and
1890's better perhaps than any other artist of
his time. He thought of himself as a true
citizen of the American West.
A native of Canton, New York, Remington left
college at the age of 19, looking for adventure
in the West. Remington operated his own ranch in
Kansas and in 1886 he gave it up as a failure
and came back to the East. The experience served
him well in his later career as an artist. "What
success I have had", Remington once told a
newspaper reporter, "has been because I have a
horseman's knowledge of a horse. No one can draw
equestrian subjects unless he is an equestrian
As an artist, Remington first made a name for
himself as an illustrator and painter, and began
sculpting only 14 years before his death in
1909. "I was impelled to try my hand at
sculpture by a mental desire to say something in
the round as well as flat. Sculpture is the most
perfect expression of action. You can say it all
in clay." The first Remington in clay was
"Bronco Buster", completed in 1895.
Among his admirers were Theodore Roosevelt, who
once said that "Remington portrayed a most
characteristic and yet vanishing type of
American life. The soldier, the cowboy, the
rancher, the Indian, the horses and cattle of
the plains will live in his pictures and
bronzes, I verily believe for all time".