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Frederic Remington




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Frederic Remington sculpted  22 bronze sculptures listed in the order below:

  1# 1895 The Broncho Buster
  2# 1896 The Wounded        Bunkie
  3# 1898 The Wicked Pony
  4# 1898 The Scalp
  5# 1900 The Norther
  6# 1901 The Cheyenne
  7# 1901 The Buffalo Signal
  8# 1902 Coming Through        theRye
  9# 1903 The Mountain Man
10# 1904 Polo
11# 1904 The Sergeant
12# 1905 The Rattlesnake
13# 1905 Dragoons 1850
14# 1906 The Outlaw
15# 1906 Paleolithic Man
16# 1907 The Horse Thief
17# 1907 The Buffalo Horse
18# 1908 The Cowboy
19# 1908 The Savage
20# 1909 Trooper of the        Plains
21# 1909 The Broncho Buster        (large version)
22# 1909 The Stampede

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Frederic Remington

Museum Quality Bronze Sculptures
Hand Made in the Lost Wax Casting Process!
World Famous classic bronze sculptures by Frederic Remington. F&R Bronze carry's the widest variety of Remington bronzes from miniatures to life size. We have several lines of Remington bronzes not listed on the website, please contact us for more information.

 Bronco Buster Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Mountain Man Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Rattlesnake Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Cheyenne Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Bronco Buster Mountain Man Rattlesnake Cheyenne

Trooper of the Plains Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Wicked Pony Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Wooly Chaps Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Outlaw Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Trooper of the Plains Wicked Pony Wooly Chaps Outlaw

 Shop today with our lowest price guarantee! If you find a comparable
product at a lower price, we will beat it by $10.00

Coming Thru the Rye Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Buffalo Signal Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Norther Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Old Dragoons Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington

Coming Thru the Rye Buffalo Signal Norther Old Dragoons
Stampede Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Cowboy Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Wounded Bunkie Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Scalp Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington
Stampede Cowboy Wounded Bunkie Scalp
Buffalo Horse Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Polo Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Paleolithic Man Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Horsethief Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington
Buffalo Horse Polo Paleolithic Man Horsethief
Sergeant Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington Savage Bronze Statue by Frederic Remington To learn more about Frederic Remington, please visit our artist biography page. Each bronze includes a certificate of authenticity, a care packet and a story on Frederic Remington. Remember we have gift certificates with gift cards for your gift giving complete with your private message.
Sergeant Savage

Inspired by Frederic Remington
All the classic pieces below are famous inspired by bronzes. These bronzes were done after Remington's lifetime by various artists. All of these bronzes were inspired by famous paintings that Frederic Remington painted.

Buffalo Bronze Statue inspired by Frederic Remington Calling the Buffalo Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington Puncher Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington Ambushed Picket Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington
Buffalo Calling the Buffalo Puncher Ambushed Picket
Bear Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington Indian Dancer Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington Remington Pedestol Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington Double Trouble Bronze Sculpture inspired by Frederic Remington
Bear Indian Dancer Remington Pedestal Double Trouble
Warrior Vigil Arizona Cowboy Trooper Thanatopis
Bronco Saddle Scout Buffalo Hunt Smoke Signal
End of the Trail is a piece done by James Fraser, but is more often confused for a Frederic Remington piece. This may be due to the fact that this is one of the most famous American Indian symbols of the American West.
Hunter Trail End of the Trail

To view more Remington's, monumental or life size, please go to our Life Size Western page. Click Here

Life Size Bronco Buster bronze statue by Frederic Remington Coming Thru The Rye bronze sculpture by Frederic Remington Life Size Trooper of the Plains bronze by Frederic Remington
Lifesize Mt. Man Lifesize Bronco Buster Coming Thru The Rye Trooper of the Plains

Monumental and life size pieces do come with a marble base.

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selection in the world.

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